Frequently Asked Questions
How can I get a member?
Simply go to the "Become a Member/Log in" section on our website (top right corner) and fill out the membership form to become a member. It is free of charge, and you can instantly start shopping on a totally secure platform.
Why become a member?
You need to be a member in order to be able to place orders and receive information about the status of your orders, or to benefit from our latest campaigns and advantages offered exclusively for you.
Can non members shop?
You don't need to be a member to visit our address, however you need to be a member to be able to start shopping.
How can I update my membership information?
Once you enter the website using your login name and password, you can update your membership information .
I have forgotten my password?
Click on the "Forgot Password" link in the member's login page and enter your e-mail address you used to register in the relevant field. You can easily set a new password by clicking the link in the e-mail we send to you for password change.
Is the Online Payment function of your website secure?
You can shop in the Kevser Sarioglu Online Shop securely using your credit and ATM/debit card. Secure Socket Layer (SSL) means that nobody else will see or have access to your credit card number. Once you have entered your credit card number, the encrypted information of your card is sent to your bank. Third parties are strictly prevented from viewing or accessing your information, including ourselves. Your card details are handled with confidentiality between you and your bank.
How Can I make a payment?
You can use your credit or debit card to make payments.
How do I know that my order went through?
Once your order is approved, we will send to your registered e-mail address a confirmation e-mail. Besides, once you log in as a member, go to „My Account“ section on our Online Shop to track the details of your order.
Can I make changes to an order I’ve already placed?
No, you cannot make changes to your existing order(s). Yet, you can cancel your order provided that you contacted us before your order is handed over to the courier. Even if you are late and your order has already been delivered to you, you have the option to return the item, or receive a cheque with which you can purchase the item you wanted.
How long does the delivery take?
INTERNATIONAL Orders - We ship worldwide by DHL. Please allow 7-14 days for delivery depending on your location.
TURKEY Orders – within 3 days
How can I cancel my order?
If your order is not handed over to the courier yet, you can easily cancel your order by pressing the "cancel order" button at the "My Account/Orders" section on our website. Even if your item has been handed over to the courier, you still have the option to return your purchase and get a refund.
Can I reserve items in the shopping cart?
No, you cannot reserve items in your shopping cart. This is because we are keen to protect not only your interest, but also the interests of other shoppers. If the purchase phase is not completed, any item or items may be purchased by a different member.
Which courier company are you working with?
Items you purchase at our Online Shop will be delivered to you by different partners within Turkey. International orders will be delivered by DHL Express.
What are the shipping rates?
How do I track my order?
Once you log in as a member to the Online Shop, just go to the "My Account/Orders" section where you can check the status of your deliveries.
What do I do if my item is delivered incomplete/wrong/damaged?
You can ring, during week days between 09.00-18.00 hours, one of our customer representatives on Tel: +90 532 113 89 95 or communication form at, or directly send a message to
How do I return an item I purchased from the Online Shop?
International Returns: INFINITE TEKSTİL İNŞAAT SANAYİ VE DİŞ TİCARET LTD. ŞTİ accepts returns of unworn, unwashed, undamaged or defective merchandise purchased online for full refund within 30 days of original purchase. If for any reason you are not satisfied with your international online purchase, email, which is required to process a return.
Please Note: Shipping and duties&taxes are not refundable.
Turkey Returns: Provided that your item is not used, you can send it to the address below in 30 days .
Maltepe Mahallesi, Topkapı Maltepe yolu üzeri, No:13
Obaköy İşmerkezi D-Blok No:173
Zeytinburnu / İSTANBUL
When do I get refunded for a return?
After we receive your item(s), we will determine whether your return meets the related criteria for returns. Once we confirm that they meet the criteria, we will start the return process in three business days, and you will be refunded in 10 business days. We will send a message to your registered e-mail address to confirm that refund is made to your account. Once you receive this notification, it usually takes up to 10 business days for the money to go into your account, depending on your banks procedures. Our company has no say on the procedures of your bank.
What address shall I send items for return or change?
Maltepe Mahallesi, Topkapı Maltepe yolu üzeri, No:13
Obaköy İşmerkezi D-Blok No:173
Zeytinburnu / İSTANBUL
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